Sep 21, 2017Fr. Harry Neely, OSA Delivers Homily at St. Augustine High School MassOn Wednesday, September 21st, at the weekly St. Augustine High School Mass, Fr. Harry Neely, OSA an alumni of Saints, was invited to...
Sep 5, 2017Br. Robert Installed to the Ministries of Acolyte and LectorDuring a Vespers service on the Solemnity of our holy father St. Augustine, on August 28th, 2017, Br. Robert Baiocco, OSA was installed...
Aug 18, 2017California Student Friars Unite at FANA Formation GatheringTen of the men in formation with the Province of St. Augustine in California got together for a picture at the reception which celebrated...
Aug 18, 2017Br. Emmanuel Sent to the NovitiateAt Vespers on August 16th, 2017, Br. Emmanuel Isaac was blessed by Fr. Gary Sanders, OSA Director of Formation, and Fr. Kevin Mullins,...
Aug 5, 2017Profession of Vows Mass Celebrated at Founders Chapel, University of San DiegoOn August 5th, 2017, the Augustinians of North America gathered in San Diego for the Profession of Vows Mass. In the service, Br. Philip...