FANA Formation Commission Meets in Chicago

On October 31st, 2017 the FANA (Federation of Augustinians in North America) Formation Commission had its' annual meeting in Chicago, IL. The Commission meets to discuss aspects of the various levels of the Augustinian formation program and set goals for the future. This year the members also discussed the 2018 Formation Gathering of students in formation, which will take place in New Lennox, IL in conjunction with the First Profession of this years novice class.
Photo standing, left to right: Fr. Gary McCloskey, OSA Executive Director of FANA; Fr. Joe Mostardi, OSA Post Novitiate Formation Director; Fr. Jim Thompson, OSA Prior of the St. Augustine Monastery Formation Community; Fr. Frank Doyle, Prior of the Bl. Bellesini Pre-Novitiate Community; Fr. Gary Sanders, OSA Formation Director of the California Province; Fr. Jim Paradis, OSA Novice Master; Fr. Richie Mercado, OSA Midwest Vocation Director; Sitting, left to right: Fr. Bernie Scianna, OSA Prior Provincial Our Mother of Good Counsel Province; Fr. Kevin Mullins, OSA Prior Provincial St. Augustine in California Province, Fr. Michael Di Gregorio, OSA Prior Provincial St. Thomas of Villanova Province; Fr. Tom Whelan, OSA California Vocation Director.